Carrie’s Heartfelt Surrogacy Letter

Our gestational surrogates and intended parents truly become a part of the CFC Family. We are here to help you have the most rewarding, smooth, and legally safe surrogacy journey as possible. Read one of our surrogate’s heartfelt letters to see how truly incredible a surrogacy journey can be.

To the Incredible Staff at CFC,

How do I begin to thank you for providing me with one of the most beautiful, life-changing experiences I was privileged enough to be a part of? Words just don’t seem sufficient enough to convey my gratitude, but please know I am forever appreciative of all you did to make this entire journey so special.

As I have mentioned before, getting matched with my intended parents was a dream come true! I honestly don’t think I could have been a surrogate for a more perfect couple! My family, friends and I became so close with them over the last year that we now all refer to each other as family. We still talk every day, share photos with each other, and have talked about when we’ll see each other next.

While pregnant, I tried to imagine that moment when my intended parents would finally get to meet their child they had been longing for, for so many years. I knew it would be magical, but I can’t even put into words how beautiful it was when they met their sweet baby girl after she was born. My husband had the role of labor coach and photographer and I think he perfectly captured that moment I had been dreaming of. One of my intended parents repeatedly whispered thank you to me while staring at his daughter in awe and my doctor later pointed to my intended parents and their baby girl bonding for the first time and said, “Look what you did!” I was so overcome with emotion and will forever keep this memory close to my heart!

Being a surrogate fulfilled something so deep inside of me and was one of the most incredibly rewarding experiences ever! None of this would have been possible without all of you!  Thank you for your professionalism, your thoroughness in the matching process, and your constant support. Again, I am eternally grateful for everything you have done to make this journey so incredibly magical!

Much love and hugs!


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