Elizabeth | Creative Family Connections


A married mom of five, Elizabeth is self-employed as a birth doula. She lives in Maryland, and delivered a healthy singleton – helping to expand an amazing family.

Q & A

What led you to do a surrogacy?

Ever since my early 20s I wanted to help another family grow. And the desire became stronger and stronger as I matured. I knew the feeling of loving a child and I wanted to help a family have the same amazing feeling!

How did you decide to work with Creative Family Connections?

I had a friend who was a surrogate through CFC. I told her my desire to become a surrogate and I asked her for information…I contacted CFC immediately.

What was it like during the pregnancy?

Well, it was wonderful to report to my IPs the first kick that I felt and what I was craving! I was honored to carry for them and am grateful that their “embie” grew!

What was it like seeing your IPs hold their baby for the first time?

Oh my gosh! The love in their eyes was amazing! It was breathtaking!

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