Employee Spotlight: Journey Coordinator Morgen

August 26, 2024

Get to know CFC Journey Coordinator Morgen Carroll!

What is your role at Creative Family Connections?

I am a journey coordinator for CFC, and I love my role here. I am able to get to know both the intended parents and their surrogate. I love watching the connections that are made and being able to support them throughout their journey. Even though I play such a small role in their journey, it is absolutely beautiful to watch.

What advice do you have for surrogate candidates & intended parents? 

I think my biggest piece of advice for both surrogates and intended parents would be to go with the flow. Babies make up their own timelines and sometimes it doesn’t work out to plan. Being able to go with the flow will help everyone keep the stress lower, even in high stress situations. Be yourself and know that us journey coordinators are here to help you. We support all of you on your journey both together and individually.

“Be yourself and know that us journey coordinators are here to help you.” -Morgen Carroll, CFC Journey Coordinator

How does it feel to work at CFC?

I am so proud to work at CFC. I am passionate about the work that I do here. I love trying to make sure everyone’s journey is the best experience for both the intended parents and the surrogate. This job gives me such joy. I am so happy to play such a small part in helping others make their own family.

In what ways do you feel passionate about IVF, family building, or LGBTQ families?

I was lucky enough to have been a surrogate and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It made such an impact on not only my own life, but my children and family as well. My intended parents have become part of my extended family and my surro-baby is considered a cousin to my children. Building a family can be a difficult experience and I love that I am able to help others through their journey.

“I was lucky enough to have been a surrogate and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It made such an impact on not only my own life, but my children and family as well.” -Morgen Carroll, CFC Journey Coordinator

Tell us a little bit about your life outside of Creative Family Connections.

I am a busy mom of two. My daughter is loving softball and volleyball, and my son loves soccer. I love watching them play and watch them grow every season, but it also means a lot of the time driving to and from practice and games. I love to travel, and I am hoping to instill that to my kids. I have been privileged enough to have traveled to all 50 states and 11 counties. I am now starting that with my own kids. I love being able to be outside in the sun with a book preferably by a pool.

Read more about Morgen in her bio on our team page.

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