Employee Spotlight: Journey Coordinator Juli

April 11, 2024

Get to know CFC Journey Coordinator Juli Textor!

What is your role at Creative Family Connections?

I am one of our six Journey Coordinators.

What advice do you have for surrogate candidates & intended parents? 

For surrogates, well, you are already an amazing human for what you are even considering. I would say to continue being open to the possibilities that surrogacy brings. Allow your relationship with the intended parents to form organically, don’t be afraid to be yourself – everyone is already in awe of you and so grateful for your willingness to give the precious gift of life. Ask all the questions and lean on your Journey Coordinator anytime you feel uncertain about anything at any point in your journey. If we don’t have the answer, we will get it for you! That’s why we are here!

For intended parents, again, ask all the questions. Our entire team wants you to feel secure and fully-informed each step of the way. This process is long and detailed, and we are here to help! We are passionate about what we do, and we always want our intended parents to feel the care and dedication we have towards each and every journey.

“Allow your relationship with the intended parents to form organically, don’t be afraid to be yourself – everyone is already in awe of you and so grateful for your willingness to give the precious gift of life.” -Juli Textor, CFC Journey Coordinator

What drew you to Creative Family Connections originally? And how has Creative Family Connections changed since?

My background in maternal health, midwifery, and supporting families as a birth and postpartum doula (and childbirth educator), plus my desire to be an egg donor and/or surrogate is what led me to seek a position in the surrogacy industry. This position combines so many things that have always been a part of my life. What drew me specifically to CFC was their support for the LGBTQ+ community, as well as it being a smaller company. We are truly able to support our families at a deeper and more personal level than some of the larger organizations, and that was important to me. CFC has continued to demonstrate their dedication to equality, and has lived up to every dream and expectation I had when I joined the team.

In what ways do you feel passionate about IVF, family building, or LGBTQ families?

My personal history with infertility (my wife and I went through a combined 30-something inseminations – including various procedures, meds, doctors, surgeries, methods – to have our two children), being a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and my passion for all things pregnancy and childbirth equal a very passionate Journey Coordinator. I KNOW how hard the wait is, I’ve experienced the emotional rollercoasters, I’ve supported families through losses, and I’ve helped 100’s of families welcome their babies into the world. It is a sincere honor to do the work that I do.

“I KNOW how hard the wait is, I’ve experienced the emotional rollercoasters, I’ve supported families through losses, and I’ve helped 100’s of families welcome their babies into the world. It is a sincere honor to do the work that I do.” -Juli Textor, CFC Journey Coordinator

Tell us a little bit about your life outside of Creative Family Connections.

My wife and I live in Florida with our two children, currently ages 7 and 16. They take up a lot of our time between school events, playdates and theatre performances. We have two little dogs and the sweetest cockatiel who thinks he should be my assistant at work. We love to take trips to North Carolina (I need regular time in the mountains), and I love hiking and fishing. My family isn’t as “outdoorsy” as I am, so I take it when I can get it. I dream of having a small cabin in the woods with goats and chickens (and probably a few dogs)…..someday!

Read more about Juli in her bio on our team page.

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